
Break The Chains of Back Pain and Unleash Unrivaled Flexibility and Productivity!

ATTENTION: All Remote Workers and Tech Professionals!

Are you a prisoner of back pain? Enslaved by the ceaseless agony in your neck and shoulders? Does your workspace feel less like a sanctuary of productivity and more like a torture chamber of discomfort?

It’s time for a REVOLUTION.

Introducing The PostureFit System: a 4-week 1:1 Pain Relief and Postural Correction Program

You’re not alone in this battleground of discomfort.

Thousands worldwide, tethered to their computers, are crying out for salvation. But what if the pain, decreased productivity, and eye strain could be alleviated and ERADICATED?

Feeling constant stiffness and soreness?

Meet Specific, Tactical, Battle-Tested Solutions

We’ve waged war against:

  • The Crippling Grasp of Back Pain
  • The Suffocating Hold of Neck Tension and Headaches
  • The Silent Productivity Killers Lurking in Your Very Workspace
  • And we’ve emerged VICTORIOUS.

Why Haven't They Fixed This Problem Before?

Many have battled with back pain and posture issues, mistakenly thinking it's an unavoidable part of tech life. The truth? They haven't had access to a tailored, tech-focused solution that understands the unique ergonomic challenges they face. Until now.

Why Should You Care About This?

Because your productivity, health, and overall quality of life are on the line. Good posture isn't just about comfort; it's about maximizing your potential in a digital world that demands the best of you.

What Would Happen If They Don't Fix This Problem?

Neglecting your back pain is a one-way ticket to chronic pain, reduced productivity, and potentially serious long-term health issues. Tech and remote workers with back pain incur healthcare expenditures of $1,440, compared to $589 for those without back pain Don't let your work be the Achilles heel of your well-being.

Comparing the Cost of the Program:

Think of it as an investment in your health and productivity. For less than the cost of high-end tech gadgets, continuous medical treatments, sick days, and missing out on social occasions due to being in so much pain. You're getting a comprehensive, tech-savvy solution to liberate you from pain and elevate your work life.

But don’t just take our word for it...

Witness the Victories of Fellow Warriors

Excellent use of modern technology to improve body alignment and alleviate pain.

Lance Sanders

Since joining PostureFitt, I’ve waved goodbye to the torturous back pains that once held my productivity captive!

Jane D

A Freed Warrior

My neck pain is a tale of the past, all thanks to the personalized arsenal of solutions DeskFit equipped me with!

Alex M

A Victor Over Discomfort

From injuries and pain to the best shape of my life! Live pain free and posture fit with pro expert the amazing Mike Jones!

Chi Chi c

Why PostureFit? Because GENERIC Doesn’t Cut It!

Every warrior is unique, and so is every battle. That’s why DeskFit is NOT a one-size-fits-all war drum. It’s a meticulously crafted, personalized arsenal of weapons designed to liberate you from the specific chains binding YOU.

And the best part? You'll achieve all these WITHOUT having to take time off your busy schedule or make drastic changes to your current workspace.

Meet Michael Jones, MS, CErg

Michael Jones: Pioneering Posture and Ergonomics for the Modern Era

With 15 years in physical therapy and rehabilitation, Michael Jones is a prominent figure in ergonomic wellness, particularly for today’s technology-driven and remote workforce. He empowers desk workers and athletes toward a pain-free life through innovative solutions.

Michael integrates Postural Analysis, Myofascial Release, and Corrective Exercises to tailor ergonomic solutions. His acclaimed book, "Stand Up! Upgrade Your Posture and Transform Your Life," alongside features in Nike, the Wall Street Journal, and Forbes, cements his status as an expert.

Michael focuses on making modern-day tech users and remote workers "Posture Fit," combining advanced technology with effective physical therapy practices to enhance workspace ergonomics, health, and productivity. His approach transforms how we interact with our work environments in the digital age.

What People Say

For a year I suffered from chronic neck tension caused by poor posture. Thanks to Mike, my posture is almost straight in 4 sessions. I have also become more flexible and psychologically more stable, chronic pain almost no longer bothers me. I’m also very thin so need to gain weight to improve the result I already have but that is my own responsibility. Mike gave me more than I expected. I don’t know any specialists of the same level, there are only a few of them like Mike

Annie Ann

I couldn't be more pleased with the treatment from Mike. I'd been experiencing neck & shoulder pain for months - Mike was able to identify what was causing this issue and put a plan into place through a combination of treatment & stretching. My pain went away quickly and my flexibility is getting better and better. Mike talked me through everything clearly which really helped me manage things ongoing to prevent further injury

Shaun Hutcheson

Exceptional experience! Coach Mike Jones is very attentive and pays attention to detail to tailor each session to target your specific needs. I leave the class feeling re-energized and pain-free! The sessions are also helping me to gain strength and flexibility. He also has great advice if you're trying to have a healthier lifestyle and getting fit! I visit the studio regularly (or do online sessions) and every time the experience has been great.

Diego De La Rosa

Mike has been helping me fix scoliosis and shoulder issue for the past few months. I'm very happy with how things have gone so far. He seems to really know his stuff and I have seen clear improvement since I've been working with him. I would highly recommend his if you are in need of a physio in Bangkok.

Joe Ryan

Phenomenal! Mike is really good at assessing weak spots and working the entire chain. Removing scar tissue and helping pinpoint deficiencies in form, he incorporates the blade and many other techniques to help heal and get moving fast!

Highly recommended

Sunil Modi

Strong professional, great studio with all the equipment needed. I had chronic back pain which i thought impossible to solve (i saw so many clinics and professionals...) but after a few sessions at the painfreeme studio its all back in place. As important as the sessions themselves were all the learning and tips Mike shared around daily mobility exercises and on improving my posture at the office (ergonomic desk set up) that i still do everyday and are now part of my daily routine. Highly recommended to not only solve the issues but to also prevent them.

Raphaël Glémet

Here’s your battle plan:

Week 1 - Personalized Pain Relief Blueprint

Virtual 1:1 Consult and Clarity Session: A focused discussion to understand your specific challenges and goals

Comprehensive Digital Workspace Analysis: Evaluation of your current setup to identify the root causes of your discomfort. Pinpoint the postural imbalances exacerbating your pain and tailor strategies to rectify them.

Benefits: Kickstart your journey with insights into the root cause of your pain and customized strategies to tackle it head-on.

Week 2 - Your Customized Comfort Plan

Full Report of Findings: A detailed analysis of identified issues and actionable steps to alleviate pain.

Workspace Optimization Plan: Tailoring your workspace to promote comfort, reducing stress and strain on your back.

Bespoke Postural Correction, Relief, and Mobility Exercise Program: Customized exercises to restore your posture, enhance mobility, and provide relief.

Benefits: Equip yourself with tools and knowledge to transform your workspace and daily habits, significantly reducing back pain.

Weeks 3 & 4 - Implementation & Transformation

1:1 Guided Implementation of DeskFit Workspace Optimization: Personal assistance to revamp your workspace, ensuring every element promotes a pain-free back.

Corrective Exercise Protocol: Hands-on guidance through exercises that strengthen, mobilize, and bring comfort to your back.

Benefits: Witness a remarkable reduction in back pain as your workspace and posture transform, enabling hours of comfortable, productive work.


90-Day (30min) Follow-up Session. This follow-up assessment will evaluate the client’s progress over 90 days. Addressing new challenges or concerns and providing additional guidance and adjustments to ensure long-term success.

Receive a complimentary copy of Mike Jones's book, Stand Up! Upgrade Your Posture and Transform Your Life. This book provides additional insights and strategies for workspace optimization and posture improvement.

The DeskFit Guarantee: It’s Victory or Nothing

Dive headfirst into the battleground with our rock-solid 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. You won't lose a dime if you aren’t basking in the glory of comfort, untethered productivity, and unparalleled well-being in 30 days.

Join us and transform not just your workspace and spinal health but reclaim a life free of back pain, infused with enhanced energy, productivity, and well-being! Say goodbye to back pain and hello to your most productive self yet.

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